Hey guys,
It's Janette Clarke from English 1102. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I have a two older sisters, the eldest by four years and my twin identical sister is older than me by thirty minutes (if that even matters). My sisters and I have the same initials. My family and I moved to a suburb of Atlanta, GA in 2005. It was a big transition, and I am working on getting adjusted. I love the color pink in all of its forms and variations.
This the second semester of my freshman year at Georgia State. Many of my friends would agree that I always have an opinion and that I think for myself. I believe my sister and I think alike as well, in many instances we either give each other a look or just say the exact same thing. In my opinion, many of the classes at GSU strive to make the students think critically. For example, in World History we are required to form our own opinions and go against the text. The majority of English 1101 was spent on critical thinking. We learned that a Critical thinker grow intellectually and shapes their own knowledge, and learns to recognize contradictions. I realized that I had many of the qualities of a critical thinker and that I look forward to learning more this semester.
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